G20 Forest School Centre
G20 Youth Project is a registered Forest School Centre with the accreditation centre at Newbatlle Abbey College. G20 Youth Project deliver Forest School training qualification Forest Outdoor Learning Award SCQF level 6 (FOLA 8 is the leader award and coming soon). The training is designed for people who want to take groups outdoors and deliver a Forest School approach. The qualification is deisgned for youth workers, teachers, community workers or anyone working outdoors with groups. We are currently running a Forest School Assistant course. This qualification can lead to further training and employment in this area.

G20 Forest School Assistant Training - What's involved
The Forest and Outdoor Award Level 2 (SCQF 6) Forest School Assistant award is designed to support learners to gain the appropriate qualification to support Forest School Leaders delivering Forest School Programmes. The Forest School Assistant qualification progresses on to the Forest School Leader Award.. The Forest School Assistant qualification is a pre-requisite for joining the Forest School Leader training course which we will be running in the future.
The Forest School Assistant training and qualification is designed for anyone wanting to work outdoors with groups and the course meets the needs of teachers, youth workers, support staff, parent groups or anyone interested in taking groups outside for learning using a Forest School approach. The qualification prepares students for employment or further study.
The course will cover the basic introductory knowledge and understanding of Forest School ethos, principles and holistic development to support the learning and development of Forest School participants. We'll cover what your role is as a Forest School Assistant and support you to reflect on your Forest School practice. During the course you will gain the practical skills to support a Forest School programme. We will cover:
· Understanding the structure and ecology of a woodland
· Learning how to identify a range of flora and fauna and why this is important
· How to look after the biodiversity of your Forest School site
· How to use hand tools, build shelters, use ropes and knots, light and safely manage fires.
You will be required to support a Forest School programme for a minimum of three sessions. You will be responsible for finding the Forest School Placement. We can make suggestions or advise you.
G20 Forest School Assessment

Costs and admin
We have online forms for you to complete for registration, consent forms, ID required and we require that payment will be made in advance of the course starting.
The course costs at £500 per person and this includes:
5 days of training. 3 sessions will take place in an ancient woodland. 2 sessions will be online
Support from an expert tutor
On successful completion of work students will gain an SCQF level 6 Forest and Outdoor Learning Award (FOLA) This is the recognised Forest School Assistant Award and leads to employment and further study e.g. Forest School Leader Award.
What to bring
On the days of the course when we are outdoors please bring appropriate clothing for the time of year.
Please ensure you have with you:
Walking or strong sturdy footwear are required.
Layers if needed
waterproof clothing
Camera (phone)
Pens and pencils
Insect repellent
Water bottle
Any medication required